08 December 2011

wanderings of the soul
in a slick city
sleeps thick

03 December 2011

29 November 2011

I run to the rock, please hide me,
I run to the rock, please hide me!
The rock cried out, I can't hide you,
The rock cried out, I ain't gonna hide you guy!
I said, Rock, what's a matter with you, Rock ?
Don't you see I need you, Rock ?

25 November 2011

24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Checkout this catwalk!

09 October 2011

Hey! Check this out,

Detail shots of pieces to come

27 September 2011

this fall=this dylan


I've started a fashion blog featuring items from my collections, 

thank you

10 September 2011

09 September 2011

04 September 2011

Move with the highwa//\\ove with the trucks

Drive a bit back
From a fam farm
Pick a piss spot
At a truck stop
Stretch yer pits
Spit stale froth
Exhale fresh

31 August 2011

18 August 2011

BODY TROUPE this Saturday

This Saturday Body Troupe will be performing for about an hour starting around 12:30pm as part of the Brother and Sister's Capture the Adventure 2011 at a secret location along the scavenger hunt. Thank you Michael Gaughan! Not part of the bike scavenger hunt? You are still welcome to come watch and/or move with us!

17 August 2011

04 August 2011

tin tiny time

remember when,
sweet milky hen ?
All the rows
of all the bows
round nubby toes
like little hos
hung to their minds:
tin tiny time

25 June 2011

miss you my leetle tartar

thank you my dearest big guy for sending me this while I'm away!

24 June 2011


(click on images to enlarge)

doller store finds!

13 June 2011

dead bird

new body film from the darkness
(click on image to go to video)